Conservative Spanish Media Faces Congressional Opposition
If you want to find conservative Spanish language programming, you’ll look long and hard and may never find any. There is a critical mass of Spanish speaking media consumers in markets across America, but only a handful have access to right-wing points of view.
A company with growth potential in this area is therefore a major threat to the leftist cabal that controls most of the American media. That’s why, as recently reported in the Daily Wire, Democrats in the U.S. Congress are trying to block the sale of a major Miami radio station to America CV, a Spanish language media company with an anti-Castro editorial position. According to Newsweek, “the Spanish-language network America CV, which owns América TeVé, exited bankruptcy court and announced it was buying Caracol 1260 AM last week.”
Imagine that. This company, owned by Marcell Felipe, doesn’t even represent itself as “conservative,” but they’re still considered such a threat to liberals that the U.S. Congress may intervene. It is indeed worth Federal intervention when a private media company proposes to purchase a radio station and change its name to “America Radio.” After all, we wouldn’t want Latino voters to start loving America! They might start voting for conservatives!
Apparently Democrat Latinos in the U.S. Congress are terrified that the “sophisticated Spanish-language misinformation campaigns perpetrated during the 2020 election,” might continue into the 2022 election and beyond. That, in turn, might result in Florida staying Red. Because it couldn’t have anything to do with the job Florida’s no nonsense governor is doing, or the fact that Florida is thriving, while Blue states are still emerging fitfully from “lockdown.”
Anyone who thinks Latinos are destined to vote Blue in the future, and hence, “demographics is destiny,” could be in for a rude shock in the coming years. Latinos are going to help shape the future of America’s conservative movement, and Latinos may eventually become majority conservative. That’s why giving voice to conservative Spanish speaking media companies has to be stopped at all costs.
Censorship has many faces. Selective use of the FCC’s powers to regulate media sales – without a shred of anti-trust evidence, or anything else apart from a shift from the political Left to the political Right – is just another example of this censorship. If “America Radio” takes off, and Spanish language speakers start hearing another point of view, it will proliferate, online and offline.
Truth is a river. Censors can throw rocks in the river, but they can’t stop the flow.
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