Daily Kos Attacks Winston84
The first thing you’ll notice when you open the home page of The Daily Kos is that they are confirmed political activists. Before you can read an article, you have to read their latest political ad, or as they put it, your opportunity to either “Donate Now” or “Skip Action.” As of December 1, 2020, they are raising money for Georgia’s Democrat candidates for the U.S. Senate, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
With 1.2 million followers on their Facebook page, and a website with a U.S. Alexa ranking of 1,070, the Daily Kos is a liberal media heavyweight. So we took it as a backhanded compliment when they linked to us in their recent article entitled “Winston84: A High-Minded Collection Of Low-Brow Racists and Climate Deniers.”
Articles and websites with lists and profiles of the “bad guys,” operated by liberals and leftists, actually do a favor for those of us who who are trying to find the good guys. For example, Sourcewatch.org and the Southern Poverty Law Center both prepare excellent lists of their enemies, many of whom we would consider friends. Once we’ve eliminated the handful of people and groups that are genuinely dangerous, crazy, or spiteful, and once we have as well eliminated those who have drifted too far into the realm of Conservative Inc., we’re left with excellent prospects for inclusion in the Winston84 directory!
For that matter, refer to DeSmog Blog for, as they put it, “an extensive database of individual climate deniers involved in the global warming denial industry.” We will! Certainly there are individuals and organizations helpfully listed for us by DeSmog Blog that are still active and doing fine work.
As for the DailyKos, if you read between the lines, dismissing their vitriol as the predictable product of their leftist world view, they actually provide an excellent summary of our work on Winston84. They explain how we’ve organized our directory into five categories – Christian Patriot, Climate Skeptic, Free Speech Ally, Irreverent Investigator, and Western Warrior – and for each category, they provide examples of some of the people we’ve included.
What the DailyKos, and all critics of the right, fail to understand comes down to this: We cannot be intimidated when a leftist calls us “racist” or a climate “denier.” Only we can know what dwells in our hearts. We know what it is we believe, not them. We proclaim the truth as we see it, because that is our right and our duty. And though we should not have to say this, our directory currently features 61 “people of color,” and every one of them is a passionate America patriot. There will be many, many more.
Thank you, DailyKos. Keep up the good work.
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