Black Patriots

Probably the biggest victims of mainstream media suppression and online censorship are America’s black conservative patriots. And for that reason, they are well represented here. Black Christian Patriots that have made it into the Winston84 catalog include Jay McCaney, Pastor Mark Burns, Star Parker, Stacy Dash, Jesse Lee Peterson and Charrise Lane. But that’s not all.

There are plenty of Black Western Warriors as well in the Winston84 catalog of suppressed voices, including Allen West, Antonia Okafor, Bryson Gray, CJ Pearson, Chandler Crump, Anthony Brian Logan, Jermain Botsio, David J Harris Jr, Lynnett Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson (Diamond and Silk), Keith Hodge and Kevin Hodge (The Hodgetwins), Mind of Jamal, Brandon Tatum, Shekinah Geist, Taleed Brown, Jon Miller, and the “legendary black redneck,” Joel Patrick!

There are so many! Are you kidding? Why aren’t these guys in CNN? Why don’t they come up in Google searches?

We know the answer to that.

And there are more: What about Black Free Speech Allies such as Candace Owens, Dr. Carol Swain, and Larry Elder, or Black Irreverent Investigators like Derrick Blackman and Terrence K Williams? There are so many here, and so many more we still have to find. Despite being marginalized by the establishment, the collective reach of these black patriots extends to millions, probably tens of millions, of Americans.

Would everybody in the Winston84 catalog agree with everybody else, on every issue of our time? Of course not. But they are all members of the suppressed right-wing in America. And together they constitute a rainbow coalition where there is substantial common ground. Unified, they would not only be unstoppable, they could politically realign America in a most positive way.

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The Medical Industrial Complex

If you look hard enough, you may find the video released in July 2020 by “America’s Frontline Doctors.” Here it is, posted by Gabriel Ng on BitChute. If you search Google using the terms “America’s Frontline Doctors” you will find every one of the page one search results are links to articles discrediting these doctors. That’s the only perspective you will find in any cursory search online.

Another source of videos offering similarly contrarian views on the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine can be found on the website “Watch Uncensored.” The links here are not only to additional doctors testifying to the possible efficacy of Hydroxychlorquine, but also to discuss the possible hidden agenda behind the suppression of what could be cheap and widely available medical treatments. One of the videos, entitled “Plandemic Movie,” has been driven off all mainstream online platforms.

Going even deeper, this video posted by The Corbett Report offers a fascinating expose on Bill Gates, and the vision that Gates and others have for all humanity. Viewers may differ on just how bad this all may turn out, but nobody concerned about our future should ignore this information.

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What Is This Q Anon?

If you have heard vague references to “Q” and are wondering what it’s all about, refer to our catalog of Q websites, which are part of the “Irreverent Investigators” category on Winston84.

There you will find Q Alerts, Q News Corner, QMap, and Qanon Posts. We’re not saying there’s a conspiracy, but we will suggest it is better to be familiar with what these investigators are saying than to stay in the dark. Even if you reject many of the fundamental premises of what has become a movement, there may be useful information to be found. There are gems of wisdom and revelation that will stimulate the mind.

Other highly subscribed sources of alternative news and analysis include Red Pill 78, SpaceShot76, and the X22 Report. It is possible for reasonable people to look at the same set of facts and come up with entirely different conclusions. It is also often difficult to know what is fact and what is fake. But just because content is suppressed and stigmatized does not mean it should be ignored. The opposite can sometimes be true. You decide.

But watch out. You are going down the rabbit hole…

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Debunking the Climate Crisis

If the corporate socialist political establishment that ran America up until the Trump era ever regains power, expect policies to mitigate the “climate crisis” to shift into high gear. Finding people willing to share contrarian information and theories regarding global climate change is not easy.

So called climate deniers are either ignored by the mainstream media of if they are covered, it is only to disparage them. Unless you know where to look online, you will not find them. They will never show up in your social media feed or as a suggested video. But we have found and cataloged over 30 of them here, listed under the category “Climate Skeptics.”

Nobody who really wants to get at the truth about global climate should ignore these scientists and investigative journalists. For example, Judith Curry, an American climatologist and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, runs a website that is “a forum for climate researchers, academics and technical experts from other fields, citizen scientists, and the interested public to engage in a discussion on topics related to climate science and the science-policy interface.”

One of the people Curry recently highlighted is economist Bjorn Lomborg, who has tirelessly explained the economic realities that constrain “climate mitigation” policies, as well as how the resources used to fight climate change can be put to so much better use addressing more pressing issues facing humanity.

A relatively recent entrant into the climate debate is Thomas Richard’s “Climate Change Dispatch,” offering a very active forum for the discussion of human-caused global warming, the climate, plus other environmental and science news.

Climate alarm is being used to fundamentally warp political debate and public policy in America and throughout the world. Dig beneath the surface, and you will find very little of it has to do with climate, or even the environment.

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Vincent James Offers Inconvenient Truths, Using FBI and DOJ Data

This outstanding video, entitled “More Bread, Less Crime,” may serve as an introduction to Vincent James, one of the last purveyors of uncomfortable truths to still survive – suppressed, demonetized, but alive – on YouTube.

What James bothers to do, all the more valuable because it is utterly missing from mainstream media, is download and report FBI and DOJ crime statistics. In so doing, he debunks virtually all of the truisms promulgated by the media establishment.

Skip to 5:40 and 7:20 for examples of honest, factual reporting by James of material that, were it present in mainstream reports, would put much of the prevailing narratives regarding crime into valuable context.

James doesn’t just put source data onto his screen and talk about it, he uses the data to produce his own graphics, such as this revelatory bar graph at 10:50 that shows homicide rates in some of the most violent nations on earth, comparing favorably to major American cities, where the rates are higher still.

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Red Ice TV Ends Up on MATCH List – A Total Bank Boycott

Red Ice TV was kicked off YouTube nearly two years ago, in October 2018. At that time they had 334,000 YouTube subscribers and their videos had been viewed nearly 50 million times. Since being forced onto BitChute, their subscriber base is back up to 37,000; they have an order of magnitude less reach.

Apparently that’s not good enough. Now the foes of Red Ice TV have just gotten them added to the “MATCH List.” Never heard of that? Few people have. MATCH stands for “Member Alert To Control High-risk merchants.”  It’s a list, shared by all banks, of what used to be called the “Terminated Merchant File.” If you get added to this list, it is almost impossible to open or maintain a credit card account with any bank. Get on this list, you will never be able to accept credit cards again.

Here are some of the reasons you can get added to the MATCH List.

• 02 Common Point of Purchase
• 03 Laundering
• 04 Excessive Chargebacks
• 05 Excessive Fraud
• 07 Fraud Conviction
• 08 Mastercard Questionable Merchant Audit Program
• 09 Bankruptcy/Liquidation/Insolvency
• 10 Violation of Standards
• 11 Merchant Collusion
• 12 PCI-DSS Non-compliance
• 13 Illegal Transactions
• 14 Identity Theft

But Red Ice didn’t do any of these things. They aren’t criminals. They got added to the MATCH list because they engage in speech that is unwelcome to left wing pressure groups.

Do we agree with everything Red Ice TV produces? No. Do we concur with them on everything they say? No. So what? Why should we even have to issue that disclaimer? This is a matter of principle. Even if Red Ice engages in “hate speech,” and that is debatable, isn’t hate speech protected by the First Amendment, and wasn’t that recently upheld by a unanimous decision at the U.S. Supreme Court?

No matter. Break certain unwritten rules, and you will not only be pushed into remote corners of the internet, but you may also lose your ability to conduct online commerce.

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